Order to Dismiss Motion and Compel Arbitration Denied in Johnson//Becker Pressure Cooker Lawsuit

On May 22, 2024, a Federal Judge denied Tristar Products, Inc.’s motion to enforce an arbitration agreement alleged to accompany its pressure cookers. Learn more about the Order below.

In this product liability suit involving an alleged defective pressure cooker, Amphai Sourya Ranslem v. Tristar Products, Inc. Case No. 3:24cv41-TKW-HTC, the Defendant, Tristar Products, Inc., claimed that the lawsuit should be dismissed based on the arbitration agreement allegedly included in the box with the pressure cooker. The plaintiff and her attorneys at Johnson Becker filed an Opposition, arguing that she had never seen the agreement because Ms. Ranslem did not purchase the pressure cooker. The Court agreed, stating, “A party is not obligated to arbitrate a dispute under an arbitration agreement that the party did not assent to.” The order also stated, “The plain language of the arbitration agreement tied the acceptance of the agreement to purchasing the pressure cooker, not using it.” Tristar Products, Inc. must now respond to Ms. Ranslem’s claim and proceed with the litigation.

Questions About a Pressure Cooker Injury Lawsuit? Contact a Johnson//Becker Lawyer for a Free Case Review

If a defective pressure cooker injured you or a loved one, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker. We are currently accepting new lawsuits for injuries sustained from a defective pressure cooker nationwide, and you may be entitled to financial compensation.

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