New Medical Literature Shows Latency of Elmiron Use and Onset of Elmiron Eye Damage
Medical researchers continue to report on increasing evidence of the association between long term-use of Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) and damage to the retina.

Recently, an article was published by Dr. Nieraj Jain from Emory University. The article reports a case of a woman with a potential case of pentosan maculopathy (Elmiron eye damage) that was diagnosed three years after she stopped using Elmiron. The article is Barnett JM, Jain, N. Potential New Onset Clinically Detectable Pentosan Polysulfate Maculopathy Years After Drug Cessation. Retin Cases Brief Rep. 2020 Nov 17, doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000001090.
Johnson//Becker, PLLC is a nationwide plaintiff’s law firm with experience representing injured men and women in lawsuits against pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Johnson//Becker represents several individuals who allege they have suffered permanent vision loss after use of the drug Elmiron.
Johnson & Johnson is a New Jersey Corporation. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, part of the Johnson & Johnson umbrella of companies, is a Pennsylvania corporation. These companies have marketed Elmiron since the 2000s. The Plaintiffs allege that the company has never provided any warning of maculopathy or retinopathy associated with use of the drug or warned patients to have regular eye exams to monitor vision while using the drug until the company updated the label in June, 2020.
Elmiron Eye Damage Lawsuits
Johnson//Becker, PLLC filed the first Elmiron lawsuit in the country and has also filed an Elmiron class action lawsuit pertaining to medical monitoring. The Plaintiffs allege that the company has never provided any warning of maculopathy or retinopathy associated with use of the drug or warned patients of Elmiron eye damage or to have regular eye exams to monitor vision while using the drug until the company updated the label in June, 2020.
Timothy J. Becker and Stacy K Hauer of Johnson//Becker are counsel of record in the Elmiron lawsuits. Mr. Becker and Ms. Hauer have a combined experience of more than 40 years of litigating mass tort cases involving pharmaceuticals and medical devices.