Johnson//Becker Files Lawsuit Against Advocate Health & Hospitals Corp. For Violation of Fair Labor Standards Act
The Illinois lawsuit alleges that Advocate Health & Hospitals Corporation violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Learn more about the lawsuit below.

Johnson//Becker Files Lawsuit Against RxC Acquisition Company and Does 1-10 for Violation of Fair Labor Standards Act
The Arizona lawsuit alleges that RxC Acquisition Company and Does 1-10 violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Learn more about the lawsuit below.

Johnson//Becker Files Lawsuit Against Safeway Insurance Company for Violation of Fair Labor Standards Act
The Illinois lawsuit alleges Safeway Insurance Company violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Learn more about the lawsuit below.

Johnson//Becker Files Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency for Violation of Fair Labor Standards Act
The Pennsylvania lawsuit alleges that Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Learn more about the lawsuit below.

Unisys Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit
The lawsuit alleges Unisys benefits from time employees are required to boot-up their computer systems.

Indiana Packers Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit
The lawsuit alleges workers were not paid for “donning and doffing” their required work clothes.

Freedom Financial Call Center Lawsuit
The complaint alleges call center employees are not compensated for time used to login to their computers.

Home Health Aide Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit
For quite a long time, home health care aides fell under the FLSA “companionship” exemption and were not entitled to federal minimum wage or overtime pay. However, after legal challenges, this exemption has been reversed.

Hourly Nurse Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit
It is clear by now that nurses are the backbone of the American healthcare industry, but oftentimes they are shortchanged out of overtime wages for their hard work. Nurses work just as hard, if not harder than doctors and it is estimated that our country is made up of close to four million working nurses.

Cannabis Industry Growers & Dispensary Workers Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit
The legalization of cannabis in many states across the country has become a thriving business. However, with this booming economy for cannabis entrepreneurs and enthusiasts may come at the expense of many workers who have been subjected to labor violations and other employment laws.