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PayPal's Honey Browser Extension Referral Fees Class Action Lawsuit
If you believe PayPal/Honey defrauded you for your content/affiliate links, please get in touch with an attorney from Johnson//Becker, PLLC, immediately.

PayPal’s Honey Browser Extension Referral Fees Class Action Lawsuit

In January 2020, PayPal acquired Honey (a digital coupon service accessed through a web browser extension) for $4 billion. Many popular content creators and YouTube influencers were quick to promote this online coupon program as a way for their subscribers to get discounts while providing the content creator with an affiliate link to earn additional income.

Cabinet Health Refillable Medicine Bottle Recall Lawsuit
We have years of experience representing clients in product liability cases and understand the complexities involved in these claims.

Cabinet Health Refillable Medicine Bottle Recall Lawsuit

Poisoning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death among children ages 1-18 years. Cabinet Health has recalled its 4 oz. Refillable Medicine Bottles. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled refillable medicine bottles.

Greater Goods Digital Kitchen Scales Recall Lawsuit
We have years of experience representing clients in product liability cases and understand the complexities involved in these claims.

Greater Goods Digital Kitchen Scales Recall Lawsuit

Kitchens are among the busiest places in many homes, and they can also be among the most dangerous. Greater Goods has recalled its Digital Kitchen Scales. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled kitchen tools and appliances.

Gerber Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks Recall Lawsuit
We have years of experience representing clients in product liability cases and understand the complexities involved in these claims.

Gerber Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks Recall Lawsuit

Gerber Products Company announced a recall on January 31, 2025, for their Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled baby products.

AMX Global Portable Folding Stadium Seats Recall Lawsuit
At Johnson//Becker, we are dedicated to holding manufacturers accountable for putting dangerous products on the market for unsuspecting consumers.

AMX Global Portable Folding Stadium Seats Recall Lawsuit

Watching a sporting event is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Portable folding stadium seats can provide comfort and support, especially for consumers who may not be able to sit comfortably for extended periods. A defective stadium seat puts these same consumers at a serious risk of injury. AMX Global has recalled its Portable Folding Stadium Seats. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled AMX Global backrests.

Matrix-brand Training Cycles Recall Lawsuit
The attorneys at Johnson//Becker are here to help. We have years of experience representing clients injured by defective products and understand the complexities involved in these cases.

Matrix-Brand Training Cycles Recall Lawsuit

Fitness has always been an important part of many people’s lives. Unfortunately, in some situations, at-home fitness equipment and gym equipment can suffer from dangerous defects, putting consumers at risk of serious injuries. Johnson Health Tech has recalled its Matrix-Brand Training Cycles. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled exercise equipment.

FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces Recall Lawsuit
If you’ve been affected by a fire pit or tabletop fireplace accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

FLIKRFIRE Tabletop Fireplaces Recall Lawsuit

The legal team at Johnson//Becker has extensive experience representing individuals across the U.S. who have suffered burns and other injuries due to faulty consumer products. You may be eligible for compensation if a defective or unsafe fire pit or tabletop fireplace has harmed you or someone you know.

Trulicity Lawsuit
If you took Trulicity and are experiencing a diminished quality of life, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Trulicity Lawsuit

For millions of Americans relying on Trulicity to manage their type 2 diabetes, unexpected complications have turned their lives upside down. This class of medication is alleged to be associated with severe gastrointestinal side effects, like gastroparesis and small bowel obstructions. If you or a loved one have suffered severe side effects from this drug, you’re not alone. Johnson//Becker, PLLC lawyers are currently accepting new Trulicity stomach paralysis lawsuits. Learn more below.

WorkPro Momentum Office Chairs Recall Lawsuit
If a recalled product injured you or a loved one, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

WorkPro Momentum Office Chairs Recall Lawsuit

About 64,000 WorkPro Momentum Office Chairs were recalled on January 16, 2025. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that 20% (33 million) of the U.S. workforce works in an office. Including those who work remotely, the estimate jumps to over 50 million workers. Many people are seriously injured after falling out of chairs every year. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled office furniture.

Vornado VH2 Whole Room Heaters Recall Lawsuit
The attorneys at Johnson//Becker are here to help. We have years of experience representing clients in cases involving burns, injuries, and fatalities.

Vornado VH2 Whole Room Heaters Recall Lawsuit

Whole room heaters, or electric space heaters, are popular choices for consumers who want to provide a secondary heat source to an area or to save on heating costs by only heating specific areas of a dwelling. Unfortunately, space heaters can be deadly additions to your home.

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