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Play tent recall lawsuit
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting new play tent injury lawsuits. Contact our lawyers today for a free case review.

The FORT Children’s Play Tent Recall Lawsuit

The Fort’s children’s play tents have been recalled due to the risk of choking and lacerations. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new children’s play tent lawsuits. Learn more below.

Children's Weighted Blanket recall
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting new kids’ weighted blanket lawsuits. Contact the firm for a free case review.

YourHealthToolkit Children’s Weighted Blanket Recall Lawsuit

YourHealthToolkit’s children’s weighted blankets have been recalled due to the risk of suffocation. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new weighted blanket lawsuits. Learn more below.

Belbuca Lawsuit
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting new Belbuca tooth injury clients. Contact the firm for a free case review.

Belbuca Lawsuit

Belbuca is an anti-opioid medication that has been associated with tooth decay and dental injuries. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Belbuca tooth injury lawsuits. Learn more below.

Megadyne Patient Electrode Recall Lawsuit
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting new patient electrode burn injury lawsuits. Contact the firm for a free case evaluation.

Megadyne Reusable Patient Return Electrode Recall Lawsuit

Megadyne’s MEGA 2000 and MEGA Soft reusable patient return electrodes have been recalled due to a serious risk of burn injuries. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new medical device lawsuits. Learn more below.

Zubsolv Tooth Injury Lawsuit
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting new Zubsolv tooth injury clients. Contact the firm for a free case review.

Zubsolv Lawsuit

Zubsolv is an anti-opioid medication that has been associated with severe teeth injuries. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Zubsolv tooth injury lawsuits. Learn more below.

Suboxone Lawsuit
The lawyers at Johnson//Becker are currently accepting Suboxone teeth injury lawsuits.

Suboxone Lawsuit

Suboxone is an anti-opioid medication that has been associated with severe tooth decay and injuries. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Suboxone lawsuits. Learn more below.

Secura Air Fryer Recall
Johnson//Becker lawyers are currently accepting air fryer lawsuits. Contact the firm for a free case review.

Secura Air Fryer Recall Lawsuit

Secura’s air fryers have been recalled due to fire and burn injury hazards. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new air fryer lawsuits. Learn more below.

Trek Allant Bike Recall Lawsuit
Bike injury lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Trek Allant+ 7 Bicycles Recall Lawsuit

Trek’s Allant+ 7 bikes have been recalled due to crash hazards. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new bicycle injury lawsuits. Learn more below.

Decongestant Lawsuit
Decongestant lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Decongestant Lawsuit

Advisors to the FDA recently announced the ineffectiveness of popular nasal decongestants such as Sudafed and Dayquil which contain the active ingredient phenylephrine. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new decongestant lawsuits. Learn more below.

Rainbow Road Board Books Recall Lawsuit
Board book lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker. Learn more about a recall lawsuit from a Johnson//Becker lawyer.

Rainbow Road Board Books Recall Lawsuit

Make Believe Ideas’ Rainbow Road board book series have been recalled due to choking hazards. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new board book lawsuits. Learn more below.

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