Results for: Instant Pot pressure cooker lawsuit

Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit
Defective pressure cookers can explode leaving consumers with serious burn injuries.

Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit

There has been a rapid increase in the number of pressure cooker lawsuits filed due to explosions, resulting in severe burns and injuries to the user. In addition, numerous recalls have been ordered across the country for a variety of issues. Learn more about our law firm’s involvement in this litigation and how we can help you if you have been burned by a pressure cooker.

Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit
Instant Pot has been reported to cause serious burns from pressure cooker explosions. Source: Taste of Home

Instant Pot Lawsuit

Johnson//Becker lawyers have represented more than 700 individuals injured by pressure cooker explosions, including over 80 people who were injured by their exploding Instant Pot. Learn more about Instant Pot lawsuits and how we can help victims of defective pressure cookers.

Explosion and Burn Lawyer

Fire and burn injuries cause a lifetime of medical complications and unforeseen expenses. The explosion and burn lawyers at Johnson//Becker can help you.


Featured Litigation

Pressure Cooker Lawsuit These household kitchen products have been marketed as an “amazing, one-button kitchen miracle”. However, this “miracle” has turned into a nightmare for consumers who were seriously injured after their kitchen appliance exploded without


Product Liability

We offer a Free Case Evaluation. Please contact us or call directly at (800) 279-6386. We would be honored to speak with you and respond promptly to every inquiry we receive. A | B | C | D