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Chipotle Food Poisoning Outbreak

Nearly 700 people have been sickened after eating at a Chipotle restaurant in Ohio. On August 17th it was determined that the contaminant sickening people has been identified as Clostridium perfringens.

Johnson // Becker food poisoning lawyers are investigating and currently accepting new turkey sandwich lawsuit clients.

Premo Brand & Fresh Grab Turkey and Swiss Sandwich Listeria Recall Lawsuit

Premo Brand and Fresh Grab turkey and Swiss sandwiches have been voluntarily recalled due to potential Listeria contamination.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Lawsuit

Vaginal Rejuvenation Lawsuit

On July 30, 2018, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued a letter to manufacturers of vaginal laser and energy-based gynecological devices stating that the agency has become aware the devices are being used in an “off-label” fashion and putting women’s health at risk. The lasers are being promoted for “Vaginal Rejuvenation.”

Goldfish Crackers Recall Lawsuit Johnson // Becker food poisoning lawyers are handling Goldfish Crackers recall lawsuits.

Goldfish Crackers Food Poisoning Recall Lawsuit

Millions of Goldfish Crackers are being pulled off the shelves from grocery stores across the country in yet another Salmonella food poisoning threat.

Turkey Recall Lawsuit

March 2019 Update: In addition to the previous Jennie-O Turkey recall, Butterball brand recently announced a recall involving 39 tons of turkey contaminated with salmonella and distributed nationwide.

Aquaflora Candida Recall Lawsuit

King Bio has recalled Aquaflora Candida HP9, Lymph Detox, and Baby Teething liquids due to microbial contamination found in its products. If these contaminated products caused your baby to develop a bacterial infection, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit. Contact our lawyers today for a free case review.

Ritz Cracker Recall Lawsuit Johnson // Becker food poisoning lawyers are handling Ritz Cracker recall lawsuits.

Ritz Crackers Food Poisoning Recall Lawsuit

Certain Ritz Cracker Sandwiches and Ritz Bits products have been voluntarily recalled due to a potential food poisoning threat of Salmonella.

Swiss Rolls Recall Lawsuit
Johnson//Becker food poisoning lawyers are handling Swiss Roll recall lawsuits.

Swiss Rolls Recall Lawsuit

Flowers Foods announced a voluntary recall of all its Swiss Rolls products from grocery stores across the United States due to a possible Salmonella outbreak. The food poisoning lawyers at Johnson//Becker are currently accepting new lawsuit claims. Contact us to learn more about your legal rights.

Magic Bullet Explosion Lawsuit
The lawyers at Johnson//Becker are actively representing consumers in lawsuits who were injured by the Nutribullet and/or Magic Bullet.

Magic Bullet Lawsuit

The handheld Magic Bullet blender has been linked to device malfunction, putting users at risk of serious cuts or burns. A number of lawsuits have been filed by injured consumers. Learn more about your legal rights from the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Hy-Vee Pasta Salad Recall Salmonella Food Poisoning

Hy-Vee Pasta Salad Recall Lawsuit

On July 17, 2018, Pasta Salad Hy-Vee, Inc. in conjunction with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced a recall of its Hy-Vee Spring Pasta Salad due to the potential that it may be contaminated with Salmonella. The contaminated and unsafe pasta salad was also sold in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

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