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Pressure cookers might make cooking for your family more efficient with less cleanup time, but did you know they have been known to explode?
Ginny’s pressure cookers may be one such device. This line of electric multi-cookers comes in a 6-quart pot that can brown, steam, warm and pressure cook. It is made of aluminum and has a nonstick finish inside for easy cleanup. It has a digital display as well as a countdown timer, and can reach anywhere from 140 to 325 degrees.
Pressure cookers have been the result of unexpected injury and property damage. Electric pressure cookers come with updated features such as timers and digital indicators to let you know your food is finished. Certain safety features include steam release valves and locking lids.
However, these safeguards don’t necessarily mean these kitchen appliances are safe. There can be many problems with pressure cookers that lead to explosions – leaving hot contents splattered across the kitchen and breaking items along the way. Even worse, if anyone is present, the hot contents can end up on them too.
Pressure cookers work by trapping steam inside the unit to thoroughly cook the food inside and, like Ginny’s brand, temperatures can rise to 350 degrees. Once the items have been cooked over a certain period of time, pressure is slowly released from the device through the steam release valve. However, this does not indicate the lid can be taken off. If the pressure cooker is opened before all the steam has escaped, all that built-in pressure creates an explosion of sorts.
Manufacturers of pressure cookers have failed to provide adequate warnings to consumers of the safety issues and potential for explosion. Furthermore, many of them have not taken on the responsibility of ensuring the components of the device come with instructions that are clear and understandable.
One problem with pressure cookers is the steam valve can be compromised. When this happens, steam is still trapped in the device, even after the pressure cooker indicates it’s ready to be opened. So when a user goes to open the lid, the built up pressure can explode the contents.
Another problem occurs when the rubber seal is cracked, damaged, warped or leftover food has not been cleaned off. When the ring does not completely seal around the lip of the pot, steam has a chance to escape and cause an explosion.
Many of the injuries from pressure cookers include severe burns, scalding, permanent scarring, disfigurement, hospitalization, and skin graft surgery.
Questions About a Pressure Cooker Lawsuit? Contact a Johnson//Becker Lawyer for a Free Case Review.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective pressure cooker, you may want to speak with the pressure cooker lawyers at Johnson//Becker. We are actively filing new pressure cooker lawsuits across the country and you may be entitled to financial compensation for your burn injuries.
We offer a Free Case Evaluation. Please contact us using the form below or by calling us at (800) 279-6386.
We would be honored to speak with you and respond promptly to every inquiry we receive.
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