Facebook has received criticism for having recalled children’s products listed for sale on their Marketplace, such as the Nap Nanny, Boppy Newborn Lounger, Magentix toys, and Maclaren strollers.
On April 12, 2023, The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) wrote a letter to Mark Zuckerburg, urging Facebook to take “immediate, meaningful steps” to prevent the sale of recalled consumer products from Markeplace.
Why are recalled products still selling on Facebook Marketplace?
It is unclear why Facebook Marketplace has so many recalled children’s products listed for sale. According to the CPSC, over a thirteen-month period from February 7, 2022, to March 7, 2023, the CPSC issued 3,981 takedown requests for Fisher-Price’s now recalled Rock ‘n Play Sleeper, or an average of 10 requests per day. There are several factors that may contribute to the listing of recalled products on Facebook.
One of the reasons why recalled products are still in circulation may be Facebook’s involvement and control over the matter. Facebook claims to be unable to control consumer listing and selling. The company states that Facebook Marketplace only serves as a mediator between sellers and buyers.
While Facebook Marketplace’s commerce policy restricts the sale of recalled goods, another factor is the resellers themselves. There have been reports of some sellers blatantly ignoring recalls.
Another issue that appears to be contributing to the growing number of resold products is the keywords included in the listing. For example, if a consumer decides to search for a Rock n’ Play, Facebook is more likely to block the listing. In the past, the company came under fire for allowing the item to be listed, since the Rock ‘n Play was linked to nearly 100 infant deaths.
However, if listed under “baby rocker,” several of Fisher Price’s recalled baby rockers could be found on the sites.
The CPSC’s surveillance team actively looks for recalled products online via third-party sites and contacts the platform when they are found. CPSC spokeswoman Patty Davis stated that the team regularly monitors Facebook Marketplace and has contacted Facebook to take additional steps to prevent recalled product listings, according to the April 12 letter.
What recalled products have been found on Facebook Marketplace?
According to USA Today, the following recalled kids’ products have been reported to be listed and sold on Facebook Marketplace:
- Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play
- Boppy Newborn Lounger
- Nap Nanny
- Magnetix toys
- Maclaren strollers
- Bumbo baby seats
- Fisher Price Rock ‘n Glide
- Fisher Price Soothe ‘n Play
- IKEA Dressers
- Infantino SlingRider baby slings
The above list is not exclusive.
The CPSC urges consumers possessing a recalled kids’ product to immediately destroy and dispose of them.
Questions about a Recalled Kids’ Product Lawsuit? Contact a Johnson//Becker Lawyer for a Free Case Review.
If your child was injured by a recalled product, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker. We have previously helped families whose children were injured or killed by a recalled product, and we continue to pursue new recall lawsuits across the country. We believe that holding manufacturers responsible for our clients’ injuries not only helps our clients but prevents future injuries by forcing manufacturers to evaluate and improve the safety of their products.
We offer a Free Case Evaluation. Please contact us using the contact form below of by calling us at (800) 279-6386.
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