Product Liability

Wemfg Children’s Multi-Purpose Bike Helmets Recall Lawsuit
Children’s multi-purpose bike helmets by Wemfg have been recalled. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled Wemfg Children’s Multi-Purpose Bike Helmets.

John Deere ZTrak Zero Turn Mowers Recall Lawsuit
Kawasaki Motors USA has recalled its John Deere ZTrak Zero Turn Mowers with Kawasaki Engines. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled lawn mowers.

Resolute Cable Multi-Station Exercise Equipment Recall Lawsuit
Precor has recalled its Resolute Cable Multi-Station Exercise Equipment. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled exercise equipment.

GIKPAL Dressers Recall Lawsuit
GIKPAL 12-Drawer Dressers have been recalled. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled home furniture.

BCI Burke Inclusive Orbit Merry-Go-Rounds Recall Lawsuit
BCI Burke has recalled its Inclusive Orbit Merry-Go-Round. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled Inclusive Orbit Playground equipment.

SKIL 40V 5.0Ah Battery Recall Lawsuit
Chervon North America has recalled its SKIL 40V 5.0Ah Lithium-Ion Batteries for SKIL Lawnmowers and Outdoor Tools. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled SKIL Batteries.

Charmast Power Banks Recall Lawsuit
Charmast Power Banks have been recalled. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled phone/device chargers.

Melii Baby Silicone Spoons Recall Lawsuit
Melii Baby Silicone Spoons have been recalled. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled baby products.

Elongdi Magnetic Building Stick Sets Recall Lawsuit
Elongdi Magnetic Building Stick Sets have been recalled. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are currently accepting new cases for recalled Elongdi Magnetic Building Stick Sets.

Wall Teester Bed Crowns Recall Lawsuit
Touch of Class has recalled its Wall Teester Bed Crowns. The product is a decorative crown mounted on the wall over a bed with mounting brackets that screw to the wall. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC, are accepting new cases for recalled home furniture.