Product Liability

LG Free-Standing TV Recall
LG lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

LG Electronics Free-Standing TVs and Stands Recall Lawsuit

Some LG television models have been recalled due to the risk of tipping and entrapment of children. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new LG lawsuits. Learn more below.

Sakar Helmet Recall Lawsuit
Sakar helmet lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Sakar International Helmets Recall Lawsuit

Sakar helmets have been recalled due to the risk of head injury. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Sakar lawsuits. Learn more below.

Polaris Vehicle Recall Lawsuit
Polaris lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Polaris All-Terrain Vehicles Recall Lawsuit

Polaris’ All-Terrain vehicles have been recalled due to the risk of fire hazards and serious injury. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Polaris lawsuits. Learn more below.

QBP Bike Handlebar Recall
QBP lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Quality Bicycle Products Handlebars Recall Lawsuit

QBP’s handlebars have been recalled due to the risk of fracturing and crashes. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new QBP lawsuits. Learn more below.

Nova Bed Rail Recall
Nova lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Nova Bed Rails Recall Lawsuit

Nova Bed Rails have been recalled due to the risk of entrapment and death by asphyxiation. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Nova lawsuits. Learn more below.

MI Window Recall Lawsuit
MI lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

MI Window and Door Devices Recall Lawsuit

MI window and door opening devices have been recalled due to the risk of fall and serious injury. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new MI lawsuits. Learn more below.

Kids 2 Second Recall
Kids2 lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

SECOND RECALL: Kids2 Rocking Sleepers Recall Lawsuit

Kids2 Rocking Sleepers have been recalled due to increased reports of infant deaths. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Kids2 lawsuits. Learn more below.

Chamberlain Group lawsuits are currently being accepted by the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

Chamberlain Group Garage Door Control Panels Recall Lawsuit

Chamberlain’s garage door openers have been recalled due to the risk of entrapment. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC are currently accepting new Chamberlain lawsuits. Learn more below.

Crock Pot Recall Lawsuit
The MegaChef lawsuit was filed by Johnson//Becker on behalf of a Grand Blanc, Michigan client.

MegaChef Pressure Cooker Lawsuit Filed in Michigan

Our lawyers recently filed a lawsuit against MegaGoods, Inc., the manufacturer of the MegaChef pressure cooker. If you or a loved one has been injured or burned by an exploding Mega Chef pressure cooker, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker, PLLC. Learn more below.

Sunbeam Crock-Pot Recall Lawsuit
Over 20 cases against Sunbeam Products allege the misleading “safety measures” of their pressure cookers.

Johnson//Becker, PLLC Consolidates 20 Sunbeam Crock-Pot Lawsuits in Florida

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Johnson//Becker, PLLC, is a nationwide products liability law firm with experience representing victims of pressure cooker explosions. The firm represents over 700 clients who have been severely burned by exploding pressure