Product Liability

Bella Pressure Cooker Lawsuit, pressure cooker lawyers

Bella Pressure Cooker Lawsuit

Johnson//Becker lawyers have represented more than 700 individuals injured by pressure cooker explosions, including numerous clients injured by their exploding Bella Pressure Cooker. It has been our honor to assist those individuals seek the justice and compensation that they deserve. We also continue to pursue new cases. Learn more about Bella Pressure Cooker burn injury cases and how we can help victims of defective pressure cookers.

baby formula lawsuit
Baby formulas are linked to necrotizing enterocolitis, Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella.

Baby Formula Lawsuit

Baby formulas are linked to necrotizing enterocolitis, Cronobacter sakazakii, and Salmonella Newport infections. If your infant has been sickened by baby formula, you should be aware that you may be entitled to holding the manufactures of the defective formula accountable by filing a baby formula lawsuit.

espresso machine recall

SOWTECH Espresso Machine Recall Lawsuit

The SOWTECH Espresso Machine has been recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The glass carafe can break, which poses a burn risk to the user.

Woman using Philips CPAP Machine - Recall
Patients using certain Philips Respironics BiPAP, CPAP, and ventilator machines may suffer complications or side effects from recalled devices.

CPAP Recall Lawsuit

Philips Respironics CPAP, BiPAP, and ventilator machines were recalled because foam padding can disintegrate and enter the airway. If you or a loved one has suffered complications or side effects related to the CPAP recall, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit. Speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker today to learn more about your legal rights.

New Federal Safety Standard Issued by CPSC (Infant Sleep Products)
New Federal Safety Standard Issued by CPSC | National Infant Sleep Product Lawyers

New Federal Safety Standard Issued by CPSC for Infant Sleep Products Following At Least 21 Deaths

The CPSC approved a new federal rule to ensure infant sleep products must follow stringent guidelines to prevent death.

Fisher-Price Recall Sadness

Fisher-Price 4-in-1 Rock ’n Glide Soother & 2-in-1 Soothe ‘n Play Gliders Recall Lawsuit

Our law firm currently represents a number of families who were devastated by the Rock ’n Play recall. Now, Fisher-Price has announced another recall of nearly 175,000 additional defective baby sleeper products. Our lawyers are filing lawsuits Nationwide and offer a Free Case Evaluation. Please contact us by calling us at (800) 279-6386. We would be honored to speak with you and respond promptly to every inquiry we receive.

My Little Steamer Recall Lawsuit

My Little Steamer Recall Lawsuit

If you were injured by a My Little Steamer device, you should contact our lawyers immediately. You may be entitled to financial compensation.

pressure washer recall accident lawyers lawsuit
Product liability lawyers investigating pressure washer accidents

Greenworks & Powerworks Pressure Washer Recall Lawsuit

An extremely popular brand of pressure washers has been recalled after injuring dozens of users. Some of the recalled pressure washer accidents resulted in injured consumers visiting the hospital for their injuries after the pressure washer accident.

Another NuWave Pressure Cooker Lawsuit Filed in Illinois

Another NuWave Pressure Cooker Lawsuit Filed in Illinois by Johnson//Becker, PLLC

The pressure cooker explosion lawsuit alleges that NuWave, LLC., the manufacturer of the Nutri-Pot pressure cooker, has misrepresented the safety of its pressure cookers. 

pentosan polysulfate maculopathy - elmiron eye damage reported

New Medical Literature Shows Latency of Elmiron Use and Onset of Elmiron Eye Damage

Medical researchers continue to report on increasing evidence of the association between long term-use of Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) and damage to the retina.