Product Liability

If you have been injured from using the recalled CVS Nasal Spray, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson // Becker to learn more about your legal rights.

CVS Nasal Spray Recall Lawsuit

A CVS nasal spray recall has been issued after it was found to be contaminated with a pathogen that could be life-threatening to certain populations.

Stargaze Recliner Chair Recall Lawyer
If you have been injured in a fall accident associated with the Stargazer Chair, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson // Becker to learn more about your legal rights.

Stargaze Recliner Chair Recall Lawsuit

Stargaze recliner outdoor chairs have been recalled after reports came in that the plastic joint that holds the legs together poses a falling hazard.

Cuisinart Pressure Cooker Explosion Lawsuit

Cuisinart Pressure Cooker Lawsuit

Cuisinart pressure cookers have been linked to defective assembly and product design that has resulted in injury and burns to the user.

Aquaflora Candida Recall Lawsuit

King Bio has recalled Aquaflora Candida HP9, Lymph Detox, and Baby Teething liquids due to microbial contamination found in its products. If these contaminated products caused your baby to develop a bacterial infection, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit. Contact our lawyers today for a free case review.

Magic Bullet Explosion Lawsuit
The lawyers at Johnson//Becker are actively representing consumers in lawsuits who were injured by the Nutribullet and/or Magic Bullet.

Magic Bullet Lawsuit

The handheld Magic Bullet blender has been linked to device malfunction, putting users at risk of serious cuts or burns. A number of lawsuits have been filed by injured consumers. Learn more about your legal rights from the lawyers at Johnson//Becker.

nutribullet explosion lawsuit
The lawyers at Johnson//Becker are actively representing consumers in lawsuits who were injured by the Nutribullet.

NutriBullet Lawsuit

Numerous lawsuits have been filed by injury lawyers representing consumers who claim the NutriBullet line of blenders has caused serious injury after their blender exploded on them. The lawyers at Johnson//Becker already represent a number of injured consumers who were victims of an exploding NutriBullet. If you or a loved one has been cut, burned or seriously injured by the NutriBullet, we would like to speak with you.

Cashmere Bouquet Lawsuit

Cashmere Bouquet Lawsuit

In 2018, the makers of Cashmere Bouquet settled a lawsuit that alleged its talcum powder contained asbestos, leading to an aggressive form of cancer.

Talcum Powder Mesothelioma Lawsuit Settlement

Talcum Powder Mesothelioma Lawsuit Settlement

It has been debated if talcum powder or baby powder contains asbestos, which causes Mesothelioma. However, on July 9, Colgate-Palmolive Co. reached a settlement with a man who accused the company of their talcum powder causing his mesothelioma lung cancer. We believe that the debate will continue, but this confidential settlement shows that injured individuals and families may have some recourse for their baby powder induced mesothelioma injuries.

$4 Billion Awarded to 22 Women in Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit

$4 Billion Awarded to 22 Women in Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit

In July 2018, a St. Louis jury slammed pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson with over $4 billion in damages for causing ovarian cancer in 22 women.

Roundup Herbicide Lawsuit

Roundup Lawsuit in US Court System

Lawsuits that allege the popular Roundup herbicide causes cancer are moving forward in the U.S. court system.