With the advent of the electric pressure cooker, the number of pressure cooker burn injuries and lawsuits have grown dramatically. Johnson//Becker lawyers have been at the forefront of these lawsuits, helping the victims of pressure cooker explosions and burn injuries.
Over the course of the last five years, Johnson//Becker, PLLC has represented over 700 individuals injured by defective pressure cookers. In addition, the law firm has filed over 200 pressure cooker cases around the country, including at least one in almost every state.
Although this is not an exclusive list, Johnson//Becker pressure cooker lawsuits involving skin burn injuries have involved the following manufacturers:
- Instant Pot (Instant Brands, Inc.)
- Crockpot Express Pot (Sunbeam Products, Inc.)
- NutriPot (NuWave, LLC)
- Ninja Food (SharkNinja Operating, LLC)
- Tristar Products, Inc. (Emeril Lagasee series and the Power Pressure Cooker XL)
- Bella (Sensio, Inc.)
- Philippe Richard (Tabletops Unlimited Inc.)
- Cuisinart (Conair)
- Elite Bistro (Maxi-Matic)
- Cosori (Arovast)
For a complete list of the manufacturers and brand names that Johnson//Becker has brought claims against in the past or is investigating, please visit our main pressure cooker lawsuit webpage.
Types of burns
The keyword burn means more than just a painful burning sensation. Healthline defines a burn as a characterization of severe skin damage that causes skin cells to die.
The skin can take a day or two for the burn injuries to develop. The initial burning, whether first-degree or second-degree, can appear very red and inflamed. It also may look blistery if it ends up being second- or third-degree.
- First-Degree Burn: According to Mayo Clinic, first-degree burns appear red and inflamed. No blisters appear. After a day or two the skin starts to peel and itch, which is part of the healing process.
- Second-Degree Burn: Second-degree burns are more serious. The damage extends beyond the first layer of skin (epidermis) to the second layer (dermis). The skin may blister, which has a yellowish color. Along with blistering, second-degree burn also will have a thickening effect.
- Third-Degree Burn: The most serious type of burn is a third-degree burn. Third-degree extends through every layer of skin. The skin may appear white, charred, dark brown, leathery and/or thicker. Nerve damage may happen, causing numbness. Despite third-degree being the worst type of burn, the victim may not feel it or realize the severity of the injury.
- Fourth-Degree Burn: There is another level of burn, which is a fourth-degree burn. This type of burn extends to the bone and internal organs. According to Healthline, “the type of burn is not based on the cause of it. Scalding, for example, can cause all three burns, depending on how hot the liquid is and how long it stays in contact with the skin.”
Pressure cookers can cause scalding burns, also called thermal burns.
Burn injuries from pressure cookers
The most common types of burn injuries from pressure cookers are a mixture of first- and second-degree thermal burns, although third-degree burns are also common. It is dependent on the incident, but the level of the burn injury relies on how hot the liquid is and the placement of the injury upon the body.
Burn injuries may be more serious if the person has been burned on the face, chest, abdomen, arms, groin, or feet. These types of injuries should receive medical attention.
Several individuals burned by exploding pressure cookers have scars upon their face, chest, abdomen and arms—the most common locations of burns from pressure cookers.
Long-term effects of pressure cooker burn injuries
Permanent scarring, including keloid scarring, and discolorations can remain on the person’s skin years after the incident. The burn injury scars may continue to hurt even after the skin has healed.
There have been records of mental illness and strain upon the injured individual in recovering from a serious burn injury. As a result, anxiety medication may be administered by medical professionals for individuals with burn injuries.
How are pressure cooker associated burn injuries treated?
Some first-degree burns may not need medical attention. However, it is better to get medical attention if in doubt. If the burn is larger than three inches, the injured individual should consult a doctor.
At-home remedies can be used to treat a first-degree burn. Running the affected area under cool water for five minutes or longer, applying lidocaine with aloe vera gel or cream to soothe the skin, and using an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze are all ways to treat a first-degree burn.
Second-degree burns need to be kept under cool water for 15 minutes or longer. Antibiotic cream should be applied to blisters. Medical attention is recommended.
The most severe burns need emergency medical attention. At-home remedies should not be attempted for second-degree burns covering a large surface area or any third-degree or fourth-degree burns. The affected area should be raised above the heart while waiting for medical attention.
It is extremely important for most burns to be treated by medical professionals, because the biggest concern is infection. Since a burn breaks the skin barrier, it makes it easier for bacteria to enter the body. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, “infection is the leading cause of complications and death in patients with burns.”
According to PubMed Central and Mayo Clinic, medical professionals may do the following to treat severe burns:
- Water-based treatments
- Fluids to prevent dehydration
- Pain medication
- Anxiety medication
- Burn creams and ointments
- Dressings
- Antibiotic medication to fight infection
- Tetanus shot
If the burned area covers a large portion of the body, physical and occupational therapy may be necessary. Physical therapy would help stretch the skin to help joints remain flexible.
In more severe cases, surgery and other procedures may be necessary:
- Early excision
- Skin grafting
- Breathing assistance
- Feeding tube
- Easing blood flow around the wound
- Plastic surgery
Burn injuries are extremely concerning, especially from pressure cookers. Pressure cookers can cook up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In comparison, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s not just the scalding liquid that can burn when a pressure cooker explodes, the water vapor and/or food contents can burn the individual as well.
Questions About a Pressure Cooker Burn Injury Lawsuit? Contact a Johnson//Becker Lawyer for a Free Case Review.
If you or a loved one has been burned by a defective pressure cooker, you may want to speak with the lawyers at Johnson//Becker. We are actively filing new pressure cooker burn lawsuits across the country and you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries.
We offer a Free Case Evaluation. Please contact us using the form below or by calling us at (800) 279-6386.
We would be honored to speak with you and respond promptly to every inquiry we receive.
Free Case Evaluation